Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit explores ‘Mapping the net zero economy’

The following report was commissioned by the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU), with analysis provided by CBI Economics and The Data City.

It has been found, that the UK Net Zero economy is worth more than £70 billion.

By mapping the net zero economy, interesting research was found:

There are almost 20,000 businesses currently within the net zero economy which are contributing £71 billion (3.7%) in Gross Value Added (GVA) to the UK economy

  • The total gross value added by businesses involved in the net zero economy is more than twice that of the energy sector itself

  • 840,000 (3.2%) jobs are supported by businesses in the net zero economy, with an average wage of £42,600 compared to the £33,400 national average

  • The net zero economy is also highly productive, generating £112,300 in GVA per employee, 1.7 times higher than the national average of £64,400.


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