Welcome to the Skills Forum
Developing skills to serve the hydrogen world to ensure the industry has “the right people, with the right skills at the right time” to accelerate the transition from fossil to hydrogen energy.

Our Vision and Mission:
Developing, rolling out, and running on a new fuel is complex, and there are many interdependencies between projects. For one to succeed, others must be in place to support and multiple industries must work together. Hydrogen South West is the connector, creating partnerships among those who make, move and use hydrogen.
The partnership is a one-stop shop for delivering growth and securing investment in hydrogen in the South West. Cutting across sectors, we can demonstrate the cohesion and capabilities that make the South West the perfect place to invest and lead the way in decarbonisation
Key to this effort is enhancing skills and delivering new job opportunities to ensure a sustainable future. By driving investment and innovation in decarbonising technology, the South-West is poised to become a centre of excellence for hydrogen expertise.
Membership benefits:
In addition to all the benefits of becoming of becoming a Hydrogen South-West Associate Member, with details found here, in addition to this, Associate membership will enable Academic institutions in the South west to:
Market their learning and training capability directly to the Hydrogen South West data base of Companies with an interest in the Hydrogen sector. This data base is currently c200 and increasing inline with the 2023 Hydrogen South-West events program.
Enable regional academic institutions with an interest in developing and delivering Hydrogen learning and training in the South-West to collaborate. This collaboration will be essential if the South-West is to meet the Government targets for Hydrogen by 2050. This collaboration initiative is supported by the regional public sector authorities.
Facilitate Hydrogen South-West Skills Forum to lobby Government for Hydrogen related funding under a regional Hydrogen Skills strategy.
Hydrogen Pathways webinars
This webinar series set to explore the opportunities and challenges that Hydrogen poses and address the skills, development and training needs that will enable businesses to deliver their Hydrogen transition strategies.
Hydrogen Pathways Bootcamp
The Hydrogen Skills Bootcamp is designed and developed for those working in the aerospace, advanced manufacturing, construction, logistics and distribution sectors.
Hydrogen Awareness Training Modules
These modules are an important step for individuals or businesses either considering working with Hydrogen or already working with hydrogen.
They are designed to be a first step that can lead to further learning and understanding.