Hydrogen Innovation Initiative launches strategic surveys
The Hydrogen Innovation Initiative (HII) is a trusted group of 13 organisations, supported by Innovate UK and working with industry, government and academia to create an investible, globally competitive hydrogen technology sector, here in the UK.
In April 2024, HII published the UK Hydrogen Innovation Opportunity which outlined the significant opportunity that the global hydrogen economy represents for the UK. The HII team are now preparing a Case for Action to be published in Autumn 2024, that will outline in more detail the areas of focus representing the biggest impact for the UK and the steps required to secure them for the UK. HII are inviting you to participate in online surveys to support this Case for Action.
The four strategic areas of opportunity are as follows:
Production of hydrogen and conversion into carriers.
Propulsion systems for transport.
Industrial hydrogen for feedstock, heat and power.
End-to-end hydrogen storage.
For full details and to access the surveys please visit: Surveys to support Case for Action - Hydrogen Innovation Initiative
Please complete the surveys that are most relevant to your organisation.
Each survey should take 10-15mins to complete and will close on Friday 30th August.
Information shared during the surveys will be anonymised and aggregated in order to support the HII publication "Hydrogen Innovation: The Case for Action". It will be used to build a supportive evidence base, to align across industrial sectors, to shape recommendations for future government policy and to drive collaboration across multiple areas of research, innovation and industry.
For any queries please contact the HII team at contact@hydrogeninnovation.co.uk