Hydrogen UK manifesto

Hydrogen presents the UK with a substantial opportunity to drive economic growth and secure skilled jobs, by leveraging our natural geological and geographical advantages, robust supply chain, and existing energy expertise. Hydrogen UK’s most recent Economic Impact Assessment estimates that the hydrogen sector in the UK could support approximately 30,000 direct jobs and contribute more than £7 billion gross value added annually by 2030. On a global scale, the hydrogen market is projected to be worth $2.5 trillion by 2050. With international competition increasing, the UK must act now to capitalise on this potential.

Their manifesto outlines policy recommendations for the new UK Government to take across production, distribution and storage infrastructure, end use applications, trade and beyond, which will support a thriving British industrial base that creates jobs and growth for British people. To achieve this, the UK hydrogen industry calls on policymakers to speed up the deployment of hydrogen through the recommendations set out in this Manifesto.

Read the full manifesto here.


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HSW members unite at their next Quarterly Members Meeting: driving diversity in the hydrogen sector.