IET: Exploring Hydrogen’s potential as a fuel for road transport

This report, published by IET was written by members of the IET Transport Panel, the IET Energy Sector Panel, and an expert volunteer group that creates thought leadership and policy advice to inform government, regulators and communication sectors.

This report explores current thinking about the potential for a hydrogen economy, summarises the challenges which need to be overcome and lays out five use cases where hydrogen fuel could provide a practical solution for road transport.

Joanne Cowell, technical director at Costain is the lead author of the report and a member of the IET’s Transport Panel.

She said: “There is significant focus on electricity as a viable alternative energy source for road transport, and in many cases battery electric vehicles are likely to be the most appropriate option. However, hydrogen has the potential to provide another alternative, particularly for certain applications where the characteristics of hydrogen are an advantage for the consumer.”

To read the report in full, click on the link here.


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